Teacher Profile: Carey Rockland

Carey Rockland at Bernal Yoga

Carey Rockland is teaching a summer program here at Bernal Yoga on Functional Strength Training. Her program doesn’t just include the 45-minute classes, but also a sense of community, online training, take-home workouts, and email follow-up.

Here are Carey’s thoughts on the program:

Getting up while its still quiet out to meet up with friends and neighbors for 45 minutes of fitness is something I am proud to be a part of. Yes, we are all a little groggy when we arrive! By the time class is over we have worked all the major muscle groups, mixed it up with cardio and pumped fresh oxygen through our bodies.

I think community is very important for personal motivation, inspiration, friendship and commitment to health. We welcome everyone, regardless of fitness level. We aren’t a quiet group - we crack jokes and even whine when sets get tough. When class is over and we start the day, it’s cool to know we’ve already greeted it by taking care of our fitness and connecting with others. Best of all, we don’t have to try to fit it in after work!

Sunrise at Bernal Yoga

Photo Credit: Tracy Wong

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