Laura Noss Sutphen

Laura Noss Sutphen is a Certified Jivamukti Yoga Teacher who studies directly under the guidance of yoga masters Sharon Gannon and David Life. She has been practicing yoga since the early 1990s, when she found herself in a Jivamukti Yoga class in New York City, with purple walls and a group of people standing on their heads and thought, “Who are these crazy people and where do I sign up to become one of them?” A teacher since 2001, she infuses her sessions with humor and laughter, accessibility, a sense of ease, and guides students to find simple ways to take their yoga off the mat and into daily life. Laura is known for her approach to music as a transformative element in yoga: each class is set to a unique playlist of fresh music that makes a statement, ranging from hip hop and rap, to rock and roll, to the best of the 70s and 80s, to folk and jam bands.

Laura has been featured in national press including The New York Times, Common Ground, Yoga Journal, Real Simple, and Living Fit. In addition to yoga, she founded and teaches Urban Meditation for BeginnersTM, a series designed for any urban (or suburban) dweller who has been curious about meditation or getting centered, and offers grounded, accessible, and easy practices to quiet the mind. Laura offers thanks and pranams to her primary teacher Ruth Lauer Manenti, who consistently inspires her from afar to practice with integrity and intention, to David Life and Sharon Gannon, who remind her to live life on the cutting edge, and to her meditation teacher Jack Kornfield, whose loving presence calls her to the quiet within. Learn more at her website: www.onewithintention.com