Sara Lavine

Check for Sara’s current teaching class schedule and workshop offerings.

Sara’s yoga career started 10 years ago in her home town of Bozeman, Montana. After moving to San Francisco in 2004, her practice deepened with the help of her teachers Elise Lorimer, Janet Stone, Lauren Slater and many others.

With over 600 hours of training, Sara’s practice is a balance of simple form and fluid movement. Making a connection between her practice on the mat and off, she plays within her yoga to find more openness, a deeper breath and a quieter mind. In her classes you’ll move slowly and gracefully into expansion, balance and strength, learning to root down, rise up, contract and expand.

Music, laughter and breath are constants in her classes and you’ll leave with more space in your body, your mind and your heart to offer up to those around you. Check out her website: www.shantibeanyoga.com for more information.